Why vicomma is for you

Hire a creative

So, on vicomma you can find influencers and creatives who will create a cool piece of content for you to sell or promote your product, merch, service, or brand; they can also promote it on their platform, if you ask nicely.

Earn money creating

We are in the age of creators so make it work for you if you haven’t already; find vendors and merchants that need you to push them forward; it will pay off

Watch & Buy

The greatest thing in life is freedom, with vicomma you can enjoy the freedom of ALL types of content and also get a piece of this content by buying what you see easily, log in and enjoy the view.

Not just another video sharing platform.

vicomma, pronounced vee-coma began as a video sharing platform but we said, why not give our users a better video experience? We decided to combine the viewing sharing experience with e-commerce. Now, our online platform host a community of content creators, vendors, brands, and viewers who create, promote, sell, and engage in tons of unique content all in one place.

The vcom icon

Notice this icon called the vcom icon, it is the cart icon in the upper left hand corner of videos on the platform. This icon let’s your users know there is a product, merchandise, promotion, service, or deal attached to your content.

So, how does vcomma work?

Content creators love making content which showcases their talents; vicomma has a home for them. Vendors and brands need more unique and creative ways to promote their products and services ; vicomma has a home for them. Finally, users want to build a deeper relationship with brands; viomma provides an experience that lets them do just that.

Step 1

Sign Up

Create a user account by signing up whether you are a vendor, content creator, or just here to watch.

Sign up Now

Step 2

Are you a Vendor, Creative, or Both?

Choose which option suits you best for now; remember you can always have multiple roles. Whether you need to hire a content creator to promote your stuff, or you’re looking to get hired as a content creator; signing up is absolutely free.

Step 3


Content creators, you can now find vendors, merchants, and brands that need your services. Sign up, create your profile, and start bidding on projects. Create the content for your client(s), promote it, and get paid.

Sign up Now

Step 4

Vendors | Merchants | Brands

Need to get the word out about your products, merchandise, service, or brand? Vicomma along with our pool of content creators are here in plenty. Just create an account, add a few images of your products, services, or whatever you need content for and add it to your request. Creators will be matched to you. It’s that easy. Got more questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Sign up Now

Why join vicomma?

vicomma caters to unique content creators and vendors brands who need their services. Vicomma helps to drive more users to brands through unique video content on our platform. Vicomma host unique product types alongside cool video content to keep visitors engaged. So, why not use vicomma?

Users in Action



Prosper Ubique

Brand Owner


Content Creator


Content Creator


Regular User

Who uses vicomma?

  • • Podcasters
  • • Visual Artists
  • • Musicians
  • • Fashion Designers
  • • Beauty Consultants
  • • Video Creators
  • • Foodies
  • • Comedians
  • • Gaming Creators
  • • Hair Stylists

Works with vicomma

vicomma connects with other apps that help you promote and get the word to

your users, followers, and fans easily about your video product content.

Look what users are saying…

Vicomma platform

Connect with creatives and get it done; video commerce, done right.
  • • Chat in real-time to your audience
  • • Make live videos and post to your audience
  • • Open to all vendors
  • • Entire sales cycle is completed on one platform
  • • Chat in real-time to your audience
  • • No restrictions or unattainable qualifications to begin using the platform
  • • Connects to Twitter and Facebook so users know you have something to share with them right away
  • • Make Live videos and post immediately
  • • Connects to Twitter and Facebook so users know you have something to share with them right away
  • • Chat in real-time to your audience
  • • Join the community of users engaging in the new way of selling and promoting their brands virally